Work > Savion Ray

Savion Ray

The complete rebrand of the Savion Ray website and visuals

Brand Positioning


We wanted to refresh and modernise our brand identity and shift the focus to convey our brand values. In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company went through a series of changes, which involved restructuring and reinventing some parts of the business.

A part of those changes was to create a new brand identity that better represents the company and speaks to our target audience. We also found our brand voice, which stands on our values of being subtle, sharp, memorable, and assertive. 

The Approach

We created a brand new distinct visual identity for ourselves, which included logo development, visuals, and website development. We wanted a simple brand mark that is high-end, elegant, conveys our values, and speaks to our audience. We created a number of brand materials including business cards, banners, presentations, and social media cards to further elevate the brand and strengthen its position. 

The Result

The brand was very-well received by our audience and contributed to the growth and positive perception of the company. We managed to strongly position Savion Ray as a brand that is subtle, memorable, and elegant.

Let’s get started

We support our clients in a variety of services

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