Work > Dyslexic Text

Dyslexic Text

9/10 people don’t know what it’s like to live with dyslexia.
What if you could show them what it feels like?

Dyslexia International
Events Communication
Client Logo 800x800 - Dyslexia International


Dyslexia International is a non-profit organization that offers support and services for dyslexic individuals. They aim to raise awareness about dyslexia and help people with the condition manage it better.

The Approach

To help Dyslexia International raise awareness about the condition found in 1 out of 10 people, we came up with a social experiment video. We invited people to an audition and asked them to read text from a special app that we created. The app simulated the experience of a dyslexic person, changing up the words in the text and prompting readers to make mistakes as they read.

Tablet Animation

Readers had no idea the script was designed to make them feel dyslexic and were surprised to learn the truth. They expressed their support for dyslexic people.

The Result

The video was a success with 2 million impressions in the UK and Belgium, educating the public on what it feels like to live with dyslexia. 

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