Work > Girl2Leader


Giving a voice to teenage girls around the world

Women Political Leaders
Events Communication
Gender Equality
Women Political Leaders Logo


Women Political Leaders (WPL) is the global network of female politicians. The mission of WPL is to increase both the number and the influence of women in political leadership positions. Their global campaign @Girl2Leader aimed to inspire teenage girls to get involved in politics and become leaders.

The Brief

Savion Ray partnered with WPL to manage the digital engagement of the global event around the International Day of the Girl, which took place in 20 different countries all over the world and featured national politicians on 4 continents. The campaign aimed to reach girls, while also engaging politicians globally. This included content creation and visuals, Instagram stickers, community management, and creating engagement drivers on Facebook and Instagram for the target audience.

The Result

We reached 8.2 million impressions worldwide, 33k engagements and 3.5k mentions globally. We also managed to obtain political supporters such as the President of Malta, 12 MEPs and 18 national politicians.

High Level Influencers

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