Latest Articles > How much does it cost to hire a communications agency?

How much does it cost to hire a communications agency?

September 2023
4 minutes
Latest Articles
by Savion Ray
Blog post pricing

In this comprehensive guide to communications agency pricing, we’ll break down the typical comms agency costs and look at exactly what you can expect for your money. This way, when the time comes for you to hire an agency partner, you’ll have all the info you need to make the right decision for your organisation.

Whether your goal is to induce policy change, spread awareness of your initiative, or simply drive more business your way, a communications agency is your partner in crafting the right narrative and ensuring it reaches your audience.

What factors influence communications agency pricing?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule for determining the fees associated with comms agency services. Instead, agency pricing is determined by several factors ranging from the perceived value they bring to clients, to the scope of services you’re purchasing, to the prestige of the agency within their industry and more.

Scope of services

What do you want the agency to do for you? Your answer directly affects the cost of the communications agency services you’re looking for. While some agencies focus mostly on PR, others offer a comprehensive service package including social media management, content strategy and creation, event planning, and more.

Identify what you need and specify these services in your RFP (request for proposals). Be as precise as possible to help agencies give you accurate quotes.

Project complexity

How intensive is your project? A one-off marketing campaign will be much more affordable than the rebranding project costs you’ll incur when requesting a brand-new visual identity, website, and strategy.

Deep-dive market research and elaborate strategic planning take a lot of time and effort, which increases prices. Nail down the project parameters in advance to better set expectations for your comms agency.

Retainers vs. project-based fees

Communications agencies typically offer two fee structures: project-based fees for shorter one-off engagements, and retainers for longer-term work. A retainer is an ongoing relationship in which you’ll pay a regular monthly or annual fee in exchange for continuous support over the duration of the contract.

Retainers bring more value over time compared to separate project fees for each task. But they’re only worth it if you’re buying in bulk — if you don’t need regular support from your agency, project-based fees are likely the better solution for you.

Agency reputation and expertise

Industry-leading agencies with proven track records demand higher rates for their services. While smaller boutique agencies may not be as well-known, they often bring niche expertise. Newer agencies eager to make their mark are also likely to offer more budget-friendly rates. Choosing a smaller or newer agency can easily result in stellar outcomes.

You’ll likely keep costs down while enjoying comparable results when you work with a boutique agency that excels in your specific field or area of need.

Communications agency pricing: breaking down the numbers

While pricing can vary widely from one agency and project to the next, here’s a look at what you can expect when you choose to work with Savion Ray.

The strategy phase

As a narrative-driven agency, we believe that the best campaigns are centred around powerful stories. These stories leverage emotional responses to inspire audiences and drive action. And the strongest narratives are built on a foundation of research and data-driven strategy.

Whether for a one-off event or ongoing retainer-based relationship, we assess strategy as a separate phase of every project. This allows us to optimise our resources and deliver a precision-tailored campaign that goes above and beyond your goals. Expect your comms strategy pricing to start at €10,000.


A retainer establishes a long-term relationship based on mutual trust. We’re equally invested in the success of your initiative, and we trust and empower each other to make that happen. Long-term clients of at least one year enjoy the best value out of our services, all based on the initial strategic phase as described above.

So how much is a typical retainer for a communications agency? As an example, we’d price an ongoing social media management project from €50,000 to €80,000 annually. Per month, that’s anywhere from just over €4,000 to €6,600.

Project-based communications services

If an ongoing retainer isn’t right for your needs, we’ll gladly work with you on a per-project basis. Projects are also a great way to test the waters with an agency before committing to a retainer or other larger-budget engagement.

Our clients work with us on projects ranging in scale from video campaigns and brand identity to multi-day interactive experiences. These projects cover a wide range of service types — here are a few examples of our starting rates:

  • New key visuals with iterations: €10,000 and up
  • Creative event concept: €8,000 and up
  • Event or video production: Anywhere from €3,000 to €50,000
  • Digital advocacy campaign: €20,000 and up
  • Website creation: €15,000 and up

As you’ll see, rates can vary widely depending on the nature, scope, and complexity of your project. Many agencies also set minimum engagement fees — we prefer to consider projects beginning at €15,000.

How can I maximise my agency ROI?

  • Establish clear goals with KPIs: Set quantifiable outcomes for your campaign in advance. What do you want to achieve, and what does success look like? Clear goals empower your agency to deliver an optimised strategy tailored to your needs.
  • Be open: You and your agency are partners in shared success. Tell the agency everything about your business, your industry, and your target audience. Be honest about the negatives — your agency can help steer narratives away from unpleasant downsides, but they can’t do that if they don’t know what they are.

Evaluate the entire proposal: Look beyond the quote when evaluating proposals. Consider what the agency is offering in exchange for their rates. It might be worth it to pay a bit more for extraordinary ideas and capabilities.

Effective communication is an investment

Rates are just one aspect of an agency’s value proposal. While the costs may vary, the expertise and creativity of a good communications agency is invaluable to overcoming challenges and ensuring your ongoing success.

Have a project in mind that could use our help? Let us know — we’re ready and waiting to create some narrative magic with you.

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